Mental Health & Addictions Crisis Centre to open January 11, 2016

Crisis centre

The Mental Health & Addictions Crisis Centre will open January 11, 2016 at 648 Huron Street in London, Ontario. The Crisis Centre will provide 24/7 walk in support for individuals experiencing a mental health and/or addictions crisis that do not require hospital or emergency service interventions. The building is a warm, welcoming environment that will be open for walk in self-referrals and community referrals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Crisis Centre provides immediate crisis assessment, intervention, stabilization and links to community resources for individuals (16 and older) experiencing a crisis that doesn't require medical treatment. Referrals can be made by staff to treatment and case management services, social & recreational activities, life skills development, vocational and housing supports, withdrawal assessment and Telewithdrawal Management Support. The centre will also house the Crisis Mobile Team which can respond in the community and can provide referrals to the crisis stabilization beds for individuals experiencing non-emergent crisis issues.

Community partners, service providers, health professionals, families and caregivers are important partners in treatment plans and ongoing community supports for individuals experiencing a crisis. If you would like to contact staff to assist in the treatment plan for an individual, you can use the Health Provider Line at 519-434-6718. Please note, referrals are not required to access the Mental Health & Addictions Crisis Centre.

The Crisis Centre will provide integrated, compassionate, expedient and effective mental health and addiction supports to adults (16+) who are experiencing:

  • Personal Distress
  • Symptoms of a mental health condition which may require triage, assessment and treatment
  • Circumstances which require de-escalation to prevent relapses
  • Mental health and addiction problems that if dealt with, may prevent hospitalization
  • Emotional trauma, where assessment, crisis intervention & links to longer term services can be made.

Learn more by visiting the Canadian Medical Health Association Middlesex website.